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Youth2030 Toolkit

The Youth2030 Toolkit is an online systematized compilation of existing tools on how to work WITH and FOR youth. ​ It is a practical resource for action and advocacy for United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs), governments, and youth networks, including policymakers and programme implementers to implement the UN system-wide Youth Strategy, Youth2030. 

This Toolkit has been built by the United Nations together with youth and comprises more than 750 resources, tools, and good practices across Youth2030 Priority and Foundational areas. 

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tools to get started

This collection consists of a shortlist of key tools that have been selected based on their perceived relevance to the efforts of UN Country Teams and other stakeholders to implement Youth2030, the UN system-wide Youth Strategy. The curated tools cover all five priority areas of the UN Youth Strategy.

Curated Tools

Explore by Keywords or Priority Areas


Total: 850

North Macedonia Common Country Analysis for the 2021-2025 United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework


This CCA comprises a specific Section on Youth NEET under LNOB.

Youth engagement in the implementation, review and follow-up processes of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration.


The Global Compact is the first inter-governmentally negotiated agreement, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations, covering all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner.

Solutions for Youth Employment (S4YE)


Multi-stakeholder coalition that aims to provide leadership and resources for catalytic action to increase the number of young people engaged in productive work.

General Tools on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice


UNODC develops tools for stakeholders to assist States in the implementation of the UN standards and norms.

Common Country Analysis – United Nations in South Africa


The United Nations Common Country Analysis of South Africa examines several components, namely: the progress and localisation of the SDGs;regional and cross-border perspectives; identification of gaps and challenges including, the impacts of COVID-19 on the development of the country and theSDGs; the financing landscape; risks and identification of areas where the UN could play a fundamental role. This CCA includes a specific section of youth.

SDG4 steering committee


UNESCO convenes the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee - a democratic, multi-stakeholder partnership - which provides strategic guidance to Member States and the education community, makes recommendations for catalytic action, advocates for financing, and monitors progress.

Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities (Youth Council)


Global multi-stakeholder coalition, platform for collective action and advocacy to ensure that the rights of children with disabilities are included in and prioritized by both the disability and child rights agendas at all levels. oThe Youth Council currently consists of 19 young people with disabilities, including representatives from youth with disabilities-led DPO’s, and youth with and without disabilities rights’ advocates.

Knowledge Portal on Volunteerism


Knowledge portal to access the latest global, regional and national data and evidence on volunteerism

Opportunities for Youth in Africa (OYA)


Programme committed to accelerating job creation in the agri-food sector. It envisions youth as agripreneurs within Industry 4.0, mediating Africa’s competitive engagement in global agricultural value chains.

U-INSPIRE Alliance


To support disaster risk reduction and resilience building, in line with SDGs and the Sendai Framework
Alliance of youth, young scientists, young professionals working in Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation (SETI)

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